Prayer Focus: How Salvation Works

Unreached people groups trying to attain salvation through works must be told that Jesus already completed the work.


“and  through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven,  making peace  by the blood of his cross.” (Colossians 1:20 ESV)

Jesus, the one in whom the fullness of God dwells, brings peace between God and man through his blood on the cross. Jesus is preeminent because he is the creator of all things and the redeemer of all things. This is how salvation works.

The story of the Bible is God’s relentless pursuit to restore his fallen creation. God created man in his image. Man rebelled against God’s command. Man was separated from God because of his sin. Sin brought spiritual and physical death to man. But God was pleased to have his fullness dwell in Christ, so that Christ could reconcile to himself all things. Christ’s death and shed blood bring peace to those who believe. The hope for eternal life is secured.

But let’s be clear. Salvation is not achieved through human works; it is received by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). Jesus did the work that saves us and reconciles us to God. That’s how salvation works.

Southeast Asia is home to many unreached people groups, some of whom follow the tenets of Islam. Salvation in Islam is confusing. It mixes grace with works. Most Muslims hope that on the day of judgment, their good works will outweigh their bad works. Then, if Allah wills, they might be forgiven and enter paradise. But many Muslims confess they don’t know if they will make it. They don’t know if they’ve done enough good works.

Most religions work like this.

But that is not how true salvation works.

We are not able to do the work. But Jesus already completed the work. He secured our salvation.

This is how it works.

This week, let’s pray:

“Lord Jesus, thank you that my salvation does not rest on my work. Thank you for giving me peace with God through the work of Jesus on the cross. I ask that you would bring this message of salvation to those in Southeast Asia who have yet to hear this good news.”

Prayer requests for reaching the unreached in Southeast Asia:

  1. Pray  that the leader of the new ABWE Southeast Asia team launched as part of the Open Initiative will have a smooth transition to the field and find language tutors, friends, and natural rhythms of life.
  2. Pray that the Southeast Asia ministry team would grow.
  3. Prayer for national believers to catch the vision for reaching their Muslim neighbors.