ArticlesHer Days Were Numbered For the street children of São Paulo, each conversation could be their last chance to hear the gospel.
PodcastsFrom Hinduism to Christ How can Christians reach Hindus? Velu Kadirvel answers and shares his testimony of rescue from addiction and idolatry.
VideosThe Ministry of Daniel Araujo When an alcoholic tastes the sweetness of Christ, he gives up his addiction to become a prolific church planter.
VideosTransforming Addicts in the Caribbean With the Gospel Lennox Boodram was suicidal until he encountered the gospel. Now he is making disciples along with the missionaries surrounding him.
VideosHow God Miraculously Rescued Reeanna Mohammed From Fear of Hell Reeanna from Trinidad shares how God brought her from a hopeless spiral of depression to humble service to Christ.
VideosFrom Addiction and Islam to Christian Evangelist Ashmir Mohammad grew up in a Muslim family in Trinidad, and as a young man turned to drugs and alcohol. But that isn’t the end of the story.