ArticlesFinding God in Loss and Grief How should we respond when we face suffering and the Lord doesn’t seem to answer our prayers? One missionary shares four lessons from his own experience.
ArticlesOur Help in Times of Trouble Missionary faithfulness depends upon rock-solid certainty that God is on our side.
ArticlesMissionaries, Don’t Ignore the Countdown to Damnation Keeping the reality of hell in view gives us a proper perspective on God, his Word, and our mission to share the gospel.
ArticlesOur Great Cloud of Witnesses Christ extends his kingdom through ordinary, faithful people—and the lives of Steve and Sandy Aholt testify to his sovereignty across continents.
ArticlesGod’s Sovereignty and Our Willpower Because God is working in us, we can trust him to fuel us for his mission.
ArticlesEmpowering a New Generation of Church Planters The urgent work of church planting belongs to every generation of believers.