ArticlesABWE’s South Asia Ministry Center Launches a New Campaign In a city of 35 million, the South Asia Ministry Center is seeking partners to bring the light of Christ into the darkness and reach the lost with the gospel.
ArticlesLost Sheep Meet the Good Shepherd In remote regions of Mongolia, unreached herding communities hear the gospel through creative ministry ventures.
ArticlesDiscipleship Under Cover of Darkness Risky questions about Jesus lead to secret meetings, salvation, and spiritual growth despite persecution.
ArticlesLong-Term Investment: A Key to Reaching Unreached Peoples A long-term investment of time, resources, and lives from each generation is crucial for reaching people groups where Christ is not yet named.
ArticlesIndividuals and the Church: The Role of Teamwork in Reaching the Unreached One of the best ways for individual believers to fulfill their mission is to use their gifts to develop the church in unreached areas.
FeaturesThe Case for Long-Term Missions Planting self-led, self-propagating national churches among unreached people groups is always a long-term venture—and it’s worth the cost.