ArticlesCorporate Worship in Other Contexts We can learn three valuable lessons by watching worship in foreign fields.
ArticlesMissions and Zeal for the Father’s House In a day when we are pressured to be uncontroversial, we must remember that missions depends on a consuming zeal for God.
ArticlesSay Among the Nations: ‘The LORD Reigns’ The gospel cannot be separated from the announcement that the Lord Jesus will judge all the nations with equity.
ArticlesDeclare His Glory Among the Nations Proclaiming God’s glory to the people of the world is not only a command but the overflow of joyful worship.
PodcastsHas COVID-19 Halted Global Missions? Paul Davis explains how missionaries are continuing to reach out during lockdowns—and why worship is our best tool.
PodcastsWhen the Church Can’t Gather What does Scripture require the church to do for worship, whether during a pandemic or persecution on the mission field?