ArticlesThe Missionary Life and the ‘Prosperity Gospel’ Lie Missionaries aren’t immune to the siren songs of comfort and ease.
PodcastsMedical Missions, Church Planting, and Lessons Learned in Africa: Steven Chmil A surgeon in West Africa shares why precision matters in medicine as well as in doctrine.
ArticlesWhat Phineas Teaches Us About What Missionaries Should—And Shouldn’t—Do Phinehas was zealous for the Lord, but later in life he made assumptions without first asking the right questions.
ArticlesWhat About the Kids? What is it like when a missionary kid becomes a parent to missionary kids?
VideosWhat Is the Mission of the Church? Watch the Missions Podcast Live at #RMC22 Kevin DeYoung, Ian Hamilton and others sit down with ABWE’s podcast during the Radius Missiology Conference.
PodcastsHow to Abide in Christ as a Missionary Ian Hamilton shares why living life “in Christ” is essential on the mission field.