FeaturesWhy We Don’t Send More Missionaries When all our missionary rally-cries are guilt-based and not grace-grounded, the result is a tired, small, weakened labor force.
PodcastsJustin Long: How Many Unreached Are There Really? How do we really know how many unreached people groups there are—and is that the thing we should be counting, anyway?
PodcastsIs Mentorship the Missing Ingredient in Missions? Marvin Brubacher of MentorLink explains the critical impact of one-on-one leadership development in cross-cultural ministry.
PodcastsWhat Is a Missionary ‘Calling’? What is God’s will for my life? Is God calling me to missions? Caleb Suko, missionary to Ukraine, gives surprising answers.
PodcastsWhat Is Life Really Like in a 99.9% Muslim Country? Two missionaries in North Africa share their experiences tilling the rocky spiritual ground of North Africa.
PodcastsHow to Help Financially Without Hurting ABWE Vice President John Taylor explains how we can help nationals on the field financially without building unhealthy dependency.