ArticlesThe Missionary’s Question: To Live or Die? The Apostle Paul’s dilemma forces us to reorient our priorities.
Articles5 Ways to Encourage a Missionary in a Restricted-Access Country Overcoming communication barriers to encourage missionaries serving in restricted contexts is worth the risk.
ArticlesWhy Loving Your Neighbor Means Learning Their Language When reaching unreached people groups, learning the local language is crucial for loving God and loving others.
ArticlesA Case for Christian Optimism We can be assured that we are “immortal” until our Master’s purpose for us is accomplished.
ArticlesBloom Where You Are Planted . . . or Don’t Rather than expecting our lives to flourish with external blooming, we can trust that God works within us to produce fruit in his timing.
ArticlesResponding to Preachers With Impure Motives Motives matter to God—yet we can rejoice that he uses even those with mixed motivations.