
Ministry Focus

Head of School

The Position Faith International Academy is in need of someone to serve as the Head of School. Use your skills to reach Philippino people! Faith International Academy (FIA), an ACSI accredited K-12 English Language school primarily serving missionary families in Davao City, is looking for secondary Literature and Language Arts Teachers. Find out more about

School Business Manager

The Position Faith International Academy is in need of a School Business Manager. Use your skills to reach Philippino people! Faith International Academy (FIA), an ACSI accredited K-12 English Language school primarily serving missionary families in Davao City, is looking for secondary Literature and Language Arts Teachers. Find out more about the school: www.fia.edu.ph The

IT Administrator

The Position Faith International Academy is in need of an experienced network administrator. Use your IT skills to reach Philippino people! Faith International Academy (FIA), an ACSI accredited K-12 English Language school primarily serving missionary families in Davao City, is looking for secondary Literature and Language Arts Teachers. Find out more about the school: www.fia.edu.ph

Teachers in Mongolia

Use your skills to teach at a Christian university in need of missions-minded teachers to come and serve in Mongolia.

Ministry Coaches and Encouragers

Serving the Lord in ministry is hard everywhere. It’s especially hard for Nicaraguan pastors and their families who typically have fewer educational opportunities and serve in difficult areas.

Youth Group Ministry

Teenagers world-wide face temptations and pressures on a massive scale. Churches here in Nicaragua are eager to reach this next generation.

Next Gen Equipper/Trainer

Nicaragua is full of young people with a lot of energy and zeal to serve the Lord, but need direction and spiritual leadership. They need people to speak into their lives and help them become all that God wants them to be.

Children’s Ministry

In a nation where more than 50% of the population are under the age of 20, there is a vast opportunity for churches to reach children in their neighborhoods with the gospel.

Obed’s House Teachers

Obed’s House is looking for someone who is eager to teach English or homeschool children. Many of the kids in our center come having never attended school before.