South Africa

The Spiritual Need in South Africa
Archbishop Desmond Tutu first called South Africa the “Rainbow Nation” due its diverse population. With this cultural diversity has come a history of intense conflict and inequality between segments of South Africa’s 56.5 million people. In terms of religious diversity, every major religion is represented (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and others), particularly as immigrants from other African nations, Pakistan, and India make their home in South Africa. Christianity makes up the majority religion, with 77% of people identifying as such. But among the Christian population there is significant and sustained syncretism with traditional African religions, affecting churches even at leadership levels and flowing down to regular daily faith practice among congregants.
The AIDS virus continues to take a brutal toll on South Africans both physically and emotionally. Very few families in under-resourced communities and villages are unaffected by this deadly disease. Many children are left to be raised by their relatives, siblings or to care for themselves entirely because their parents have died. The local church needs to be resourced to step into these hurting lives with hope.
From much-needed racial reconciliation, to theological discernment amidst cultural syncretism, to meeting physical needs with compassion, South Africa desperately needs the reconciling truth of the gospel.
Church Planting In South Africa
ABWE has teams serving in three major South African cities: Cape Town, Durban and George. All three of the teams dedicated to church planting in South Africa are working in multiple church plants in their areas, with the objective to plant reproducing, multi-cultural congregations led by national pastors and leaders. In addition, our missionaries are serving in various other ministries, such as chaplaincy, counseling, youth centers and coffee shops, children’s ministry, and leadership development for local believers.
While there are opportunities to work alongside the veteran missionaries who began these ministries, we are also looking for additional church planters and missionaries to continue establishing new Bible-believing churches and engage in community development opportunities.
Is the Lord leading you to learn a new culture, live among a new people group, and share the gospel in South Africa?
We'd love to talk with you about how God is leading you.
South AfricaUse the gifts of accounting God has given to serve our team and ministries in Durban, South Africa.
Bible Study Leaders
South AfricaCome to Durban, South Africa and join our team by leading Bible Studies to various ages.
Biblical Counselors
South AfricaCome use your gifts with our Durban, South Africa team in Biblical Counseling.
7 Rivers Outreach
With third-world poverty, low education rates, and children orphaned and made vulnerable by the HIV pandemic and overall loss of hope, rural communities in South Africa stand in stark contrast to the modern and thriving urban and suburban areas in the country, even though they are only minutes apart. …
Agape Baptist Church Building Project
Agape Baptist Church is a new church plant in George, South Africa. The church plant is in need of a building—it is currently renting a hall on Sunday mornings and uses the pastor’s house for other meetings. They have been saving funds for this project, but seek additional help.…
Crossroads Community of Christ Building Fund
Crossroads has been meeting in a community hall for years. Recently, it purchased property near the current site of worship and is in the process of raising support for their own building. It will serve as a place of worship, evangelism, and discipleship.…
7 Rivers Outreach
With third-world poverty, low education rates, and children orphaned and made vulnerable by the HIV pandemic and overall loss of hope, rural communities in South Africa stand in stark contrast to the modern and thriving urban and suburban areas in the country, even though they are only minutes apart. …
Agape Baptist Church Building Project
Agape Baptist Church is a new church plant in George, South Africa. The church plant is in need of a building—it is currently renting a hall on Sunday mornings and uses the pastor’s house for other meetings. They have been saving funds for this project, but seek additional help.…
Crossroads Community of Christ Building Fund
Crossroads has been meeting in a community hall for years. Recently, it purchased property near the current site of worship and is in the process of raising support for their own building. It will serve as a place of worship, evangelism, and discipleship.…
Durban Benevolence Fund
The lost are turning to Christ because they see the love of Jesus being shared at soup kitchens and home grocery visits. Already in poverty and desperate for work, our locals are in need of bread to eat but most importantly in need of the Bread of Life.…
Durban Bible Training Scholarship
It is difficult here in Durban to find a sound Bible college. Now there is one opening in our area! A number of Zulu men and women desire to further their Bible knowledge. We need your help to send these future pastors, teachers, and counselors to Bible College.…
Durban Radio Project
Listeners are tuning-in to Vuma 103 FM! Pastor Dennis Nkosi is filling the radio waves with the gospel of truth and it is changing lives like never before here in Durban, South Africa. This Zulu radio ministry has been one of Crossroads' most effective outreach tools. Listeners…
Garden Route SA Benevolence
In South Africa, there has always been the gap between the “haves” and the “have-nots,” with a slowly forming middle-class of primarily small business owners who help employ hundreds. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has proven especially devastating for these individuals, their families, and employees.…
George Biblical Counseling
The INSPIRE George ministry team is using biblical counseling to build up the body of Christ and to share the gospel with those in the community. Funds are needed to furnish the counseling room and for ongoing operational expenses. …
Good Hope Caring Fund
The Good Hope Caring Fund was established in June of 2020 to deal with the added needs of people due to the COVID-19 pandemic. South Africa’s overall unemployment is 40% and among the most able bodied age groups the percentage is much higher.…
Good Hope Christian School
Good Hope Christian School exists to develop the intellectual, spiritual, physical, and social capabilities of each students. It also provides a Christian environment in which learners can develop holistically in order to be of service in this world. …
Grace Toti Projects
Grace Baptist Church of Amanzimtoti, released by ABWE in 2008, continues to expand its “GEN2 Ministry Group,” a multifaceted network of ministries focused on reaching the Zulu people, South Africa’s largest language group, with the gospel and with the sound teaching of Scripture.…
INSPIRE George Project
Inspire George is a ministry initiative of the Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Agape-in-Action, which is the team church planting entity under which we operate on the field. Our mission is to evangelize non-believers and disciple believers through a variety of ministry initiatives, including church-planting, theological training, ministries for children, teens, and young adults, sports outreaches, and also intervention and upliftment initiatives.…
Litha Daycare Ministry
Pastor Andile and Hellen are invested in reaching, equipping and edifying the next generation of servant leaders in rural Africa through their day care ministry, Litha Daycare Center (LDC). Their investment into the lives of these rural children focuses on teaching English, an age-appropriate curriculum of math, science, reading, writing, life skills, etc. They…
Pebbles Project South Africa
The Pebbles Project is an independent project designed to reach and care for the children of vineyard workers in the Western Cape of South Africa. The project is organized with a five-fold concern: Education, Health, Safety, Nutrition, and Community. The Education effort takes the form of tutoring in most of the Pebbles locales, however, the Hemel-en-Aarde Education Project (HEAEP) – Hermanus (aka Pebbles Academy) provides a traditional classroom education for children from the wineries in the area.…
Pinetown Project
There is a huge need for churches that preach sound doctrine in the province of Kwa- Zulu Natal. Pastor Phakamani Khoza has been leading Ekukhanyeni Baptist Church for 5 years. It was started by ABWE missionaries in 2003. The church is growing and helps host large annual marriage, singles, and Bible doctrine conferences.…
Safe Anchor House South Africa
Safe Anchor House will be a small, quiet, and safe residential foster care home designed to re-create a healthy and stable family setting for our children. We are joining a “cluster” of four such houses each of which gives Home to six children.…
Simanyene Bible Church
Simanyene Bible Church was planted by ABWE missionaries Wayne and Susan Royce. It is the church behind the Simanyene Center and Residential Home programs, which minister to children and adults living in South Africa who have intellectual and physical disabilities. …
Simanyene Center for the Disabled
The Simanyene Center for the Disabled is a day program that was started in 2014 to help those children and young adults with disabilities in the township. What started with just three young adults now helps more than 20 students. READ MESSSAGE ARTICLE WILL YOU HELP? Your gift directly helps the students attending the Simanyene Center for the Disabled: $100 a month supplies diapers, adult briefs, medical supplies and gloves.…
Simanyene Residential Home
Simanyene Residential Home opened in 2019 as a full-time residential home for children and young adults with disabilities, who come from neglected homes or who are high risk and vulnerable. The home currently has 12 residents. ABWE missionaries, Wayne and Sue Royce, opened the home after noticing that some students who attended the Simanyene Center needed more care than was offered by the day program. …
Sodwana Bay Leadership Ministry
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Orillia, Ontario, Canada, has been partnering with Pastor Shadrack Khumalo who launched Khanyisa Leadership Development, under Sodwana Bay Leadership Ministry. Cornerstone Baptist Church is committed to Biblically and Practically training African Rural Servant Leaders who in turn will train Faithful Men and Women with sound Biblical teaching.…