ArticlesPrayer Focus: Showing the Evidence How can we help people see that the existence of God is clear?
ArticlesEnding Abortion on the Mission Field: How to Save a Life A mother’s refusal to abort her disabled child inspires another couple to do the same.
ArticlesThe State of Missions Today: Why Are Pastors Concerned? Missionaries are struggling on the field. We can change it.
ArticlesEnlightened Sight and Generous Giving What would our lives look like if we were singularly focused on God's Kingdom, rather than on the world and wealth?
ArticlesHelp Believers Suffering From Philippines’ Typhoon Rai Please pray and help supply Christian workers with items they need for ministry.
ArticlesThe Christ of Christmas in Matthew’s Gospel The fact that we call Jesus the “Christ” is a powerful reminder of Jesus’ reign and his mission to all the nations.