Features5 Tips for Engaging Those Different From Yourself Few of us are good at evangelism, but we can’t sabotage ourselves by refusing to implement small practices to help us improve our witness.
PodcastsWhen Doors Close: Carol Ghattas on Changing Course in Missions A veteran missionary shares what God taught her through trials.
Articles5 Characteristics of a Good Short-Term Missions Team Short-term missions can be done excellently—or poorly. To do it right, we need to focus on the needs of nationals.
ArticlesDo You Know What Your Missionaries Actually Teach? Pastors and churches must learn what gospel message a missionary adheres to before sending or supporting them.
FeaturesIt’s Not Our Job to ‘Finish’ the Great Commission Jesus will fulfill his promises, but we can’t trim the corners of our discipleship mandate to hasten the completion of the mission.
PodcastsSending Well: Paul Davis, Chad Vegas, and Barry Brown Discuss Pastors and leaders at the 2021 Radius Missiology Conference share lessons learned on how to send—and not send—missionaries.
PodcastsTrends in Missions Panel Discussion With Paul Davis, Chad Vegas, Brad Buser, and Wayne Chen Speakers at the 2021 Radius International Missiology Conference discuss what’s most shocking—and encouraging—in contemporary missions.
FeaturesWhy Suffering Is Normative In missions and evangelism, we must be prepared to explain why a good God allows human suffering.
ArticlesCal Clark: Remembering a Life of Service and Ministry A tribute to ABWE missionary and leader, Cal Clark.
ArticlesA Missionary’s Heart Peer into the thoughts David Brainerd, whose life inspired some of the most well-known missionaries to date.
Features‘I Disagree with Spurgeon!’ The technical meaning of the word missionary is grounded in Scripture—not the musings of man.
ArticlesWhen Your Church’s Missions Heartbeat has Flattened How a congregation can revitalize its heart for the Great Commission.
PodcastsReforming Short-Term Missions: Chip Lamca Explains We think of missions trips as means to an end, but perhaps we shouldn’t.
FeaturesOn Patience The Christian must learn, in life and ministry, how to patiently respond to hurt and heartache.
ArticlesThe Way She Suffered: Reflecting on the Life of Elisabeth Elliot The legacy left behind by one missionary continues to inspire generations of Christians to suffer well for the glory of God.
FeaturesFinishing the Task? (Part 4): A Cautionary Analysis of Missionary Language Christians aren’t called to expedite the Great Commission—we are called to obey it.
PodcastsWhy the Great Commission Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means Matthew 28 is often quoted but seldom understood deeply.