PodcastsIs Innovation in Ministry Biblical? Ted Esler explains why he believes there’s a crisis in the missions world.
Features5 Christian Activities We Mistake for Missions Not everything that happens outside church walls is “missions.”
Features5 Reasons a Local Church Should Adopt an Unreached People Group Adopting an unreached people group impacts more than just the missionaries and the church. It changes the world.
PodcastsC.S. Lewis and Mission: Dan DeWitt on Recapturing Our Cultural Imagination To understand a culture, we must steep ourselves in its imagination.
PodcastsBrian Nester on How to Mobilize the Next Generation This veteran missionary mobilizer shares why short-term trips still matter.
ArticlesGlory in Jars of Clay The difficult realities of the mission field remind us that we are fragile vessels.
PodcastsResponding to the Global Abortion Pandemic: John Ensor of PassionLife The unborn aren’t just at risk in the US.
PodcastsWhy Medical Missions Matters: Katie Webb Unpacks Healing happens on the mission field in more ways than one.
Features12 Bible Verses for Sharing the Gospel During Crisis When the world is on edge, our friends and neighbors are primed to hear the good news.
Articles10 Takeaways From My Utmost for His Highest Even today, the words of Oswald Chambers can teach us how to endure the ordinary for God’s glory.
PodcastsSent From Zambia to South Asia: Joshua Bowman Explains A missions professor shares his eye-opening journey serving both Muslims and Hindus.
PodcastsCan Parachurch Ministries Serve the Church? Thomas White and Paul Davis Answer The key to mobilizing Generation Z is to work through the local church.
ArticlesBackyard Missions: Recognizing the Value of Mundane Moments Obeying the Great Commission can mean unplugging and sharing the gospel with your neighbors.
ArticlesThe Harvest Is Plentiful (Right Where You Are) A prefield missionary’s guide to serving God wherever he places you.
ArticlesHow to Serve the Afghan Refugees The church must prepare to be the hands and feet of Christ to the Afghan evacuees arriving on our doorstep.
PodcastsAfghanistan, Islam, and Missions: Matt Bennett Joins A former missionary to Muslims explains what’s happening in the Middle East.
ArticlesAfghanistan Proves It’s Christ or Chaos A gospel-saturated culture is the only solution for the Middle East.
Articles15 Bible Verses About Loving Your Enemies To obey God’s mission, we must be prepared to love those who oppose our message.