
Ministry Focus

Church Planters

Church planters needed who are willing to commit to a lifestyle of bridge-building to help make disciples and plant churches in communities that have little or no gospel influence.


Seeking an accountant in Papa New Guinea to work with local business owners and government agencies to ensure we are handling our resources with integrity.

Children’s Ministry Leaders

Children’s ministry leader needed in Germany to bring the message of God’s love to the youngest congregants of our church in a fun and engaging way.

Worship Leaders

We need a worship leader in Germany to lead church worship services at ABWE church plants.

Church Planters

Serve as a church planter in Germany to immerse yourself in Germany’s postmodern culture, and plant churches in communities where there is little or no evangelical presence.


Serve as an evangelism teammate in England and bring your enthusiasm for community outreach and developing meaningful relationships.

Evangelism Teammates

Serve as an evangelism teammate in Southeast Asia to help our mission develop new strategies to reach more Southeast Asians with the gospel.


Art, math, geography, English, psychology, physical education, library, economics and special needs teachers needed in Tanzania.

Certified English Teacher

Use your gifts with English to serve at the Evangelical Christian Academy in Madrid and/or help pre-existing church plants establish or strengthen English programs as an outreach to their community.