
This is not an exhaustive list of opportunities on the mission field. If you don’t see an opportunity that fits your skills, passions, and region of choice, we would still love to talk to you about how you can take your next step in the Great Commission. Talk to us today!

Ministry Focus

Music Teachers

Our St. Lucia team needs a music teacher to teach music and musical instruments as a means for expanding our ministry outreach and community impact.

Church Planters

Our team needs more self-disciplined, committed Christians who want to work as part of a close-knit team in church-planting initiatives.

Church Planters

Make an impact on generations of Eurasian families through your work as a church planter.

Church Planting Internship

Join an ABWE missionary family in Italy as they engage in evangelism and discipleship, church planting, and outreach in various communities. Learn from them, and see firsthand how your skills and spiritual gifts can be utilized on the mission field.

Church Planters

Church planters needed in Romania to plant new churches in communities where there is no evangelical presence.

Evangelism Teammates

Seeking an evangelism teammate in Romania to partner with veteran missionaries on our well-established team to share the gospel.

Pastoral Training

Bring your love for training the leaders of tomorrow to Romanian churches, many of which have no leadership.